Virtual Column

Stated requirement from the forum:
To have a foreign key to a parent table only when the status in the child table is a certain value whilst allowing for rubbish and NULLs in the child’s fk column when the status is not ACTIVE.

We can do this with a virtual column.

Here’s how.


SQL> create table t1
  2  (col1 number primary key);

Table created.

SQL> insert into t1 values (1);

1 row created.

SQL> create table t2
  2  (col1    number primary key
  3  ,status  varchar2(12) not null
  4  ,col2    number
  5  ,col2v   number generated always as (case when status = 'ACTIVE' then col2 end) VIRTUAL
  6  ,constraint t2_fk foreign key (col2v) references t1(col1)
  7  ,constraint t2_ck check (status IN ('ACTIVE','INACTIVE') and (status = 'INACTIVE' or col2 IS NOT NULL)));

Table created.

SQL> create sequence s1;

Sequence created.


First requirement – insert an active row into T2 with a valid FK in col2:

SQL> insert into t2 (col1, status, col2) values (s1.nextval,'ACTIVE',1);

1 row created.


Second requirement – ensure that active rows have a valid foreign key:

SQL> insert into t2 (col1, status, col2) values (s1.nextval,'ACTIVE',-99);
insert into t2 (col1, status, col2) values (s1.nextval,'ACTIVE',-99)
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-02291: integrity constraint (RIMS.T2_FK) violated - parent key not found


Third requirement – allow inactive rows to have rubbish in col2 (for historic data quality reasons?):

SQL> insert into t2 (col1, status, col2) values (s1.nextval,'INACTIVE',-99);

1 row created.


Fourth requirement – prevent NULL foreign key values for active rows:

SQL> insert into t2 (col1, status, col2) values (s1.nextval,'ACTIVE',NULL);
insert into t2 (col1, status, col2) values (s1.nextval,'ACTIVE',NULL)
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-02290: check constraint (RIMS.T2_CK) violated


Just some minor tweaks on the requirements which came up in this forum question…

Firstly, let’s say it’s not just statuses of ACTIVE/INACTIVE. We want to ensure that data quality for ACTIVE is protected but there’s a whole bunch of other statuses not just INACTIVE.

So, change the check constraint:

SQL>  alter table t2 drop constraint t2_ck;

Table altered.

SQL> alter table t2 add constraint t2_ck check (NOT (status = 'ACTIVE' and col2 IS NULL));

Table altered.

SQL> insert into t2 (col1, status, col2) values (s1.nextval,'WHO CARES',-75);

1 row created.


Or what if active statuses can insert a valid foreign key or NULL?

Just lose the check constraint altogether:

SQL>  alter table t2 drop constraint t2_ck;

Table altered.

SQL> insert into t2 (col1, status, col2) values (s1.nextval,'ACTIVE',NULL);

1 row created.

SQL> insert into t2 (col1, status, col2) values (s1.nextval,'WHO KNOWS',-75);

1 row created.

SQL> insert into t2 (col1, status, col2) values (s1.nextval,'INACTIVE',-99);

1 row created.

SQL> insert into t2 (col1, status, col2) values (s1.nextval,'ACTIVE',-99);
insert into t2 (col1, status, col2) values (s1.nextval,'ACTIVE',-99)
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-02291: integrity constraint (RIMS.T2_FK) violated - parent key not found

SQL> insert into t2 (col1, status, col2) values (s1.nextval,'ACTIVE',1);

1 row created.


2 Responses to Virtual Column

  1. l0ll1 says:



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